Development of Information Technology based on UNDP studies has five major interactive elements: Instruments and technical infrastructure, Human Resource development, development of policies, content and employment development, and institution development.
In order to develop this 5 dimensional model, there would be two other dimensions which are first; socio-cultural context and second; law and regulations.
On the other hand, OECD has set a four-level model to evaluate countries’ information technology situation. This model encompasses novice level, developing level, maturity level and expertise level.
Consequence of combination of these two models shows a 28- situation matrix.
As E-Learning has a close relationship with information technology arena, in this study the two models has been based to evaluate E-Learning situation in Iranian universities.
Findings show that in majority of the 7 dimensions, Iran should be considered in developing situation (level B). On the other side, E-Learning policy is a unilateral and presentational approach in compare to facilitative approach which is based on critical discourse, interaction and cooperation of students in learning process