Proceeding of international Conference on Intellectual Capital Management
Intellectual Capital and Society (IC&S)
Dr. Gh. ZakerSalehi
Higher Education Research and Planning Institute, Iran
Dr. M.A. Ghaneirad
National Institute for Science Policy ,Iran
Dr. N. Fazeli
Allame Tabataei University, Tehran. Iran
In this panel, we discuss the role of universities in producing and promoting Intellectual Capital (IC). Regarding the importance of Intellectual Capital and its three dimensions namely, Human capital, Costumer Capital and Structural Capital, as intangible dimensions of Knowledge-based capital which often have not been reflected in Balanced Reports of organizations and especially economic performance of society at large, we are going to discusses the sociocultural characters of latent of intangible social networks and cultural values. We suggest the concept of “appropriate cultural space” as a necessary condition of universities existence for generating the faculties and students’ IC and, explain the concept of “relevant ecology” for preserving and flourishing the cultural and scientific elites as main representatives of Intellectual Capital.
Keywords: intellectual capital- social capital- cultural capital- appropriate cultural space- relevant ecology.
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