The Status of Women in the Iranian Constitution
Gholamreza ZakerSalehi
Publication date
Journal of International Women’s Studies,vol 21,Issue 1,pp309-327
The purpose of this article is to explain the status of women in the Iranian Constitution. The methods of the study are legal analysis along with a systemic and holistic approach. The findings indicate that the status and the rights of women have been unequivocally articulated in the Iranian Constitution in Articles 10 and 21 and the responsibilities for the government have been assumed in this regard. Regarding the basic rights like the right for education, the right for dwelling and the right for employment and so on, women have been included by using the general terms such as “everyone”. However, there are some ambiguities concerning the issue of women’s political participation. There is a serious ambiguity with reference to the qualifications required for the presidency. According to Article 115, the president of the Republic must be elected from among the religious and political elite. The word used in the Persian text for the “political elite” is the Arabic word “Rajol” which literally means “men” in Persian. However, according to some interpretations the word Rajol has been used as an umbrella term to refer to “political figures”. These two interpretations have been the source of arguments regarding the rights of women to return and appoint for the presidency. Although some Iranian jurists emphasize the second interpretation and their reasons have been mentioned in this article, the failure of the Guardian Council of the Constitution to adopt a clear and straightforward stance concerning this issue has denied women of their rights for the presidential nomination. In addition to the practical interpretations presented by the Iranian jurists, the author …
Scholar articles
The Status of Women in the Iranian Constitution
G ZakerSalehi – Journal of International Women’s Studies, 2020