The Book Title: Iranian University, an Introduction to Sociology of Higher Education(in Persian)
By:Gholamreza Zakersalehi
Kavir Publication,Iran, 2004
Higher Education operates in the overlapping area of three fields of culture, power, and knowledge. Educational system undoubtedly works in a social and cultural context and is in a continuous interaction with it. Although formal system of education generally takes no account of its inherent and implicit functions, this fact never denies the importance of social and cultural aspects of education. Education was not to transfer a set of neutral skills to learners and do not seek just to test and issue certificates, but to involve learners especially higher education students in modern methods and discourses and how knowledge is used in society.
Among other important functions and roles played by higher education are reinforcing the cultural and scientific attitudes, deepening the culture of conversation, tolerance and group work, enhancing the cultural diversity and richness, and theorizing about the possible solutions to global problems and crises. Higher education has also some missions such as preparing the community for deep looking into problems and exploring their theoretical, cultural, social, political and economic aspects, and participating in elimination of damages and developing policies and strategies to deal with them.
University is a complex cultural institution and a norm-generating structure which helps to improve the social and moral discipline of the community and has the responsibility to enhance the quality of life and preserve social dynamism and vitality. This powerful social institution is also the pioneer in making developments. Observing social and cultural developments especially in scientific and technological fields, it makes the community ready and capable of overcoming the future uncertain events.
The sociology of higher education, derived from sociology of education and somehow regarded as a separate area of study in recent years, is responsible for explaining the role, function and social impacts of higher education system. The first matter in question is about how knowledge is produced, packaged, organized and presented in higher education system, and how these packages can positively affect the quality of life? What is the role of universities in social development and how can it help develop the communities? How does higher education affect the social stratification system, social inequality, social mobility, division of labor, employment and so on? How do university and society interact with one another? How are academic-scientific groups and networks created, expanded and developed and what are their functions?
What are the characteristics and norms of academic subculture? Academic freedom and autonomy of universities are also among many other issues which can be addressed within this area of study.
This book is a comprehensive study of different social and cultural aspects of “Iranian University”. The main subjects discussed in the book are: Another Look at Higher Education – Questioning the Nature of Iranian University – Science Development in Iran, Problems and Prerequisites – Management of Science Development in Iran- Promotion of Science – Interaction between University and Society – Science, Technology and Society- Transition from Traditional Universities- University, Culture and Religion – A Socio-historical Overview of Islamic University – Brain Drain- Women’s Participation in Higher Education – University, Ethnic Inclination and National Unity – University and International Scientific Cooperation – Status and Function of Scientific Societies – Investigating the Phenomenon of Intolerance among Students.
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